One day Muhammd (SAW) was sitting in the Masjid and Hazrat Jibreel (A.S) brought this Dua to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. Hazrat Jibreel Alaihi Salaam said that in addition to a lot of Fadhaail [favors] in this Dua, the reciter gets three things from Allahu ta ala.Firstly, Allah (SWT) gives him rizq [livelihood] from the ghayb [unknown sources], secondly, He will safe from evil eye and evil spells and thirdly, whoever recites this Dua his enemies will not be able to overcome him. He will be superior to them.The person who does jihad will have the upper hand. He goes on a journey, he will come back with all his things. He will be safe from the shaat of shaytaan. He will be safe from all the bad things and insects and other things on earth and al the bad things in the skies.If a person writes this Dua out and drinks it using rain water, he will get help for various diseases. If a person suffers from an unknown illness for which the worldly doctors can find no cure and he writes it with Zafran [saffron] and washes it and drinks it for twenty one (21) days he will get health. If he doesnt have children, he will get children with the help of this Dua.DUAS Kumayl Mashlool Nudba Sabah Yastasheer Tawbah Makarimul Akhlaq Simaat Iftitah Arafa qamoos KENZUL ARŞ CELCELUTİYE MIFTAH-UL-JANNA TAHMIDIYE HİZBUL BAHR ISTİKHARA TAWASSUL ADEELA AHAD FARAJPREYER VERSES FATİHA AMANAR-RASULU AYAT AL-KURSI QUNOOT BAQARAH 201. VERSE BAQARAH 250. VERSE AL-IMRAN 8. VERSE AL- IMRAN 147. VERSE AL-IMRAN 192-194. VERSES AL-ARAF 23 .VERSE AL- ARAF 47. VERSE AL- ARAF 89. VERSE AL- ARAF 126. VERSE YUNUS 85-86. VERSES IBRAHİM 38. VERSES AL- KAHF 10. VERSE AL- FURQAN 74. VERSE AL- MUMINUN 7-8. VERSES AD- DUKHAN 12. VERSE AL- HASHR 10. VERSE AL- MUMTAHANAH 4. VERSE AT-TAHRIM 8. VERSE DUA FOR SHİFA(HEALİNG) . . .JAWSHAN NAMES OF ALLAH (Asma Ul Husna )